Laetare Sunday: The Mothering of God

Laetare Sunday: The Mothering of God

The fourth Sunday in Lent is special. It’s known by several names: it’s been called The Sunday of the Five Loaves from the Gospel passage for the day (John 6:1-14); it’s also been called Rose Sunday because the clerical and alter vestments change color from violet to rose  — but why the change in color in the first place? Another name for this Sunday gives us a clue: Laetare Sunday (Laetare meaning: Rejoice)...

Rogation Days

Even though few of us depend on food we grow ourselves, we all still depend on the bounty of this earth to survive, and we're still more vulnerable than we sometimes think to the uncertainties of nature. But nature, our connection to it, and our dependence upon it for our life and well-being are all under the providence and mercy of God, our true source of life.